Free Material: Names of Form I

Names of Form I:

Form I:

1.    卧龙伸筋 Sleeping Dragon Awakens & Stretches

2.   道袖双舒 Sleeves of the Daoist Unfold

3.   无量天尊 Immeasurably Powerful God

4.   白猿献果 White Monkey Presents Fruit

5.   金鸡斗蟒 Golden Rooster Fights a Boa Constrictor

6.   送鸟上林 Sending a Bird into the Forest

7.     蜻蜓点水 Dragonfly Touches the Water

8.   黄龙兴浪 Yellow Dragon Stirs Up the Waves

9.   织女穿梭 Weaving Lady Threads the Shuttle

10.   穿莲行舟 Rowing a Boat Through the Lotus

11.   海底捞月 Scooping the Moon from the Bottom of the Sea

12. 金蝉脱壳 Golden Cicada Sheds its Skin

13. 道童撞钟 Daoist Child Tolls the Bell

14. 白蛇缠身 White Snake Twines Around the Body

15. 顺水推舟 Poling a Boat with the Current

16. 瞻望前程 Looking into the Future

17. 青龙出海 Green Dragon Emerges from the Sea

18. 霸王开弓 Warrior King Bawang Bends his Bow

19. 龙潜海底 Dragon Dives to the Bottom of the Sea

20. 白猿献果 White Monkey Presents Fruit

If you only do the regular side of the Form I , you end the routine with

59. 老道理须 Old Daoist Priest Grooms his Beard

60. 金液还丹 Swallowing the Golden Saliva to Dantian

If you want to continue with the reverse side, you don't end the form and repeat one side White Monkey Presents Fruit to connect with 5.   金鸡斗蟒 Golden Rooster Fights a Boa Constrictor and continue on the reverse side. At the very end of the reverse side, you end the routine with

59. 老道理须 Old Daoist Priest Grooms his Beard

60. 金液还丹 Swallowing the Golden Saliva to Dantian

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