Free Material: Names of Form III

Names of Form III: (Moves 41-60)

If you do Form III as an individual short form, you start with the first 4 moves of Form I and continue with Moves 41)

Form I:

1.    卧龙伸筋 Sleeping Dragon Awakens & Stretches

2.   道袖双舒 Sleeves of the Daoist Unfold

3.   无量天尊 Immeasurably Powerful God

4.   白猿献果 White Monkey Presents Fruit

Form III: (Repeat Form I Moves 1-4 when performing Form III by itself)

41. 万念归一 All Ideas Become One

42. 仰敬天神 Looking up & Worshipping God

43. 俯拜地灵 Bowing down & Worshipping the Earth Spirit

44. 羽化登天 Enlightened Being Ascends to Heaven

45. 化气入丹 Transferring Qi into Dantian

46. 倒脱朝靴 Taking off the Royal Shoes upside down

47. 太子金锤 The Prince’s Golden Hammers

48. 立身射箭 Standing Up to Shoot an Arrow

49. 平分秋色 Having Equal Shares of the Autumn Scenery

50. 无量天尊 Immeasurably Powerful God

51. 黄龙入洞 Yellow Dragon Enters a Cave

52. 燕子斜飞 Swallow Flies Aslant

53. 青龙出海 Green Dragon Emerges from the Sea

54. 南山探宝 Seeking Treasures in the Southern Mountain

55. 雄鹰扑食 Brave Eagle Pounces on its Prey

56. 金鸡独立 Golden Rooster Stands on One Leg

57. 催马敬酒 Urging the Horse & Making a Toast

58. 道童撞钟 Daoist Child Tolls a Bell

59. 老道理须 Old Daoist Priest Grooms his Beard

60. 金液还丹 Swallowing the Golden Saliva to Dantian

If you want to reverse the Form III, you repeat White Monkey Presents Fruit to present fruit to the right side after Move 58 and reverse Moves 41-58. You end the full routine with the ending of Form III

59. 老道理须 Old Daoist Priest Grooms his Beard

60. 金液还丹 Swallowing the Golden Saliva to Dantian

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